Revenue: $0
Budget: $6,000
Profit: - $-6,000
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: -
Rating: N/A
Run Time: 12h 18m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies: Check it Twice Productions , 25 Words Or Less
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Two brothers enslaved on a plantation in Virginia in 1865 attempt to escape North for their freedom. George (John Hall) can't find his brother Cassius (Keelan Burns) at their rendezvous point and discovers he's been recaptured by Charles Hilton (Marv Burr). George has to decide whether to save his brother, or selfishly continue North for his own freedom.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer |
Benjamin Calvin Crain
Andrew Kirschner
Production Assistant |
Haddon Smith
Joshua Ludwig
Location Manager |
Andrew Kirschner
Directing | Assistant Director |
Benjamin Calvin Crain
Director |
Forrest Reeder
Script Supervisor |
Indiana Shelburne
Camera | Director of Photography |
Joshua Hockema
Assistant Camera |
Marcelo Lopez
Second Assistant Camera |
Aidan Russell
Grip |
Mychal Illif
Dequan Trott
Lighting | Gaffer |
Anna Werking
Sound | Sound Mixer |
Glenn Lahr
Boom Operator |
Glenn Lahr
Sound Assistant |
Luke Lytikainen
Music |
Kyle Kirkpatrick
Sound Designer |
Russell McMurtrie
Art | Production Design |
Cole Humble
Kenzie Greene
Costume & Make-Up | Wardrobe Master |
Kenzie Greene
Costume Designer |
Forrest Reeder
Allyssa Reeder
Makeup & Hair |
Cat Modica
Makeup & Hair Assistant |
Elina O'Hare
Writing | Writer |
Forrest Reeder
Editing | Editor |
Forrest Reeder
Colorist |
Forrest Reeder
Visual Effects | VFX Artist |
Forrest Reeder
Department | Role | Name |