
TMDB Rating 5.8
IMDB Rating 5.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Aug 31, 2018

Rating: 2018-08-31

Run Time: 1h 35m

Original Language: Polish

Website: -

Production Countries: Poland

Production Companies: Film Media , Lightcraft , Studio Orka




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After the fall of the September Campaign of 1939, two Polish pilots are forced to fight for their nation in foreign battlefronts.

Main Cast

Maciej Zakościelny

Maciej Zakościelny

Jan 'Donald' Zumbach

Age : N/A | Popularity : 20%

Piotr Adamczyk

Piotr Adamczyk

Witold Urbanowicz

Age : N/A | Popularity : 44%

Krzysztof Kwiatkowski

Krzysztof Kwiatkowski

Mirosław 'Ox' Ferić

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Maciej Cymorek

Maciej Cymorek

Josef František

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Cara Theobold

Cara Theobold

Victoria brown

Age : N/A | Popularity : 73%

Anna Prus

Anna Prus

Jagoda Kochan

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Maciej Marczewski

Maciej Marczewski

Zdzisław Krasnodębski

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Jan Wieczorkowski

Jan Wieczorkowski

Ludwik Witold Paszkiewicz

Age : N/A | Popularity : 17%


Department Role Name
Camera Camera Operator
Jarosław Wnuk
Jarosław Wnuk
Andrzej Glacel
Andrzej Glacel
Director of Photography
Waldemar Szmidt
Waldemar Szmidt
Directing Director
Denis Delić
Denis Delić
First Assistant Director
Monika Lewicka
Monika Lewicka
Production Co-Producer
Daniel Markowicz
Daniel Markowicz
Piotr Galon
Piotr Galon
Magdalena Zimecka
Magdalena Zimecka
Radoslaw Miskiewicz
Radoslaw Miskiewicz
Line Producer
Włodzimierz Preyss
Włodzimierz Preyss
Julie Dunne
Julie Dunne
Steve Daly
Steve Daly
Jacek Samojłowicz
Jacek Samojłowicz
Location Manager
Tadeusz Motylewski
Tadeusz Motylewski
Crew Special Effects
Piotr Galon
Piotr Galon
Writing Script Consultant
Piotr Czaja
Piotr Czaja
Krzysztof Burdza
Krzysztof Burdza
Zdzisław Samojłowicz
Zdzisław Samojłowicz
Tomasz Kępski
Tomasz Kępski
Arkady Fiedler
Arkady Fiedler
Editing Editor
Marcin Kot Bastkowski
Marcin Kot Bastkowski
Peter Devaney Flanagan
Peter Devaney Flanagan
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Malgorzata Skorupa
Malgorzata Skorupa
Makeup Artist
Ewa Drobiec
Ewa Drobiec
Grazyna Kula
Grazyna Kula
Set Costumer
Magdalena Sekrecka
Magdalena Sekrecka
Sound Music
Łukasz Pieprzyk
Łukasz Pieprzyk
Music Coordinator
Agnieszka Putkiewicz
Agnieszka Putkiewicz
Bartosz Putkiewicz
Bartosz Putkiewicz
Sound Editor
Bartosz Putkiewicz
Bartosz Putkiewicz
Visual Effects Visual Effects Coordinator
Sylwia Tararuj
Sylwia Tararuj
Visual Effects Producer
Art Borowiec
Art Borowiec
Art Production Design
Marian Zawaliński
Marian Zawaliński
Property Master
Emil Kostecki
Emil Kostecki
Stanislaw Porczyk
Stanislaw Porczyk
Department Role Name

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