
TMDB Rating 8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Aug 22, 1978

Rating: 1978-08-22

Run Time: 1h 25m

Original Language: Hungarian

Website: -

Production Countries: Hungary

Production Companies:




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Three thirtysomething chemical scientists, Laci, Gyuri and Kati celebrate the success of their development program before New Year's Eve with drinking for several days. But the morning of New Year's Eve does not bring the expected recognition, because the nice, bald, old director is replaced by a young, bald, but disagreeable one. In a sodden atmosphere it becomes clear that everybody has an axe to grind in the informative discussions.

Main Cast

István Bujtor

István Bujtor

Perjes Laci

Age : 67 | Popularity : 10%

Erika Bodnár

Erika Bodnár

Szathmáry Kati

Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

András Bálint

András Bálint

Tárnok Gyuri

Age : 81 | Popularity : 15%

Cecília Esztergályos

Cecília Esztergályos

Tárnokné, Éva

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Péter Haumann

Péter Haumann

Fodor, az új igazgató

Age : 83 | Popularity : 9%

László Márkus

László Márkus

Szabó, minisztériumi felettes

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Judit Meszléry

Judit Meszléry


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Nóra Káldi

Nóra Káldi


Age : 49 | Popularity : 3%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Rezső Szörény
Rezső Szörény
Camera Director of Photography
János Zsombolyai
János Zsombolyai
Writing Writer
Péter Módos
Péter Módos
Rezső Szörény
Rezső Szörény
Péter Módos
Péter Módos
Editing Editor
György Sívó
György Sívó
Sound Original Music Composer
Zdenkó Tamássy
Zdenkó Tamássy
László Buda
László Buda
Art Production Design
Zsolt Csengery
Zsolt Csengery
Set Decoration
András Földes
András Földes
Production Production Manager
József Bajusz
József Bajusz
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Emőke Csengey
Emőke Csengey
Department Role Name

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