Revenue: $89,068
Budget: $0
Profit: + $89,068
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Jan 23, 2009
Rating: 2009-02-02
Run Time: 2h 10m
Original Language: Russian
Website: -
Production Countries: Russia
Production Companies: Studio "Shar"
People Rated This
Where to watch A Room and a Half
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A semi-fictional account of the life of Russian poet Joseph Brodsky, who was forced into American exile in 1972.
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Writer |
Yuriy Arabov
Andrey Khrzhanovsky
Story |
Joseph Brodsky
Directing | Director |
Andrey Khrzhanovsky
Production | Producer |
Artem Vasilyev
Andrey Khrzhanovsky
Production Designer |
Mikhail Gavrilov
Production Manager |
Olga Nemchinova
Art | Title Designer |
Alexandr Sknarin
Mikhail Semyonov
Production Design |
Marina Azizyan
Sound | Sound Designer |
Pyotr Malafeyev
Sound Effects Editor |
Denis Vakulenko
Dialogue Editor |
Farida Uzbekova
Elina Khvorostova
Vladimir Schuster
Foley Editor |
Sergey Shiposha
Editing | Digital Intermediate |
Timofey Goloborodko
Normund Latsis
Digital Conform Editor |
Evgeniy Ryzhonkov
Visual Effects | Digital Compositor |
Nikolay Malyshev
Aleksandr Prigorniy
Renat Gabdrakhmanov
Vladimir Sofronov
Visual Effects Coordinator |
Garry Simonyan
Andrey Emelyanov
Visual Effects Producer |
Angela Petrosyan
Lighting | Lighting Artist |
Evgeniy Gittsigrat
Crew | Visual Effects Art Director |
Alexandr Sknarin
Vsevolod Verbitsky
Digital Effects Producer |
Ilya Vostrov
Camera | Director of Photography |
Vladimir Brylyakov
Department | Role | Name |