

Revenue: $0

Budget: $468,992

Profit: - $-468,992

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jan 1, 2001

Rating: 2001-01-01

Run Time: 1h 26m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Canada

Production Companies: Les productions virage , ONF | NFB




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Between March and October 2000, millions of people around the world took to the streets to denounce poverty and violence against women. The historic World March of Women was a bold initiative of the Québec Federation of Women and represented a turning point in global solidarity. Director Sophie Bissonnette invited five filmmakers from around the world to cover the march. She also asked each one to film an innovative project. Set against the backdrop of a song, 'A Score for Women's Voices' ends at the UN, where women deliver 5 million cards signed during the marches. Their goal? To change the world.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Sophie Bissonnette
Sophie Bissonnette
Deepa Dhanraj
Deepa Dhanraj
Pat Fiske
Pat Fiske
Anne-Laure Folly
Anne-Laure Folly
Nicolette Freeman
Nicolette Freeman
Carmen Guarini
Carmen Guarini
Helene Klodawsky
Helene Klodawsky
Assistant Director
Nancy Marcotte
Nancy Marcotte
Writing Original Concept
Sophie Bissonnette
Sophie Bissonnette
Crew Script
Sophie Bissonnette
Sophie Bissonnette
Production Producer
Monique Simard
Monique Simard
Marcel Simard
Marcel Simard
Associate Producer
Nicole Lamothe
Nicole Lamothe
Production Manager
Danielle Champoux
Danielle Champoux
Nancy Marcotte
Nancy Marcotte
Kathryn Ruscio Kelly
Kathryn Ruscio Kelly
Sound Original Music Composer
Karen Young
Karen Young
Camera Director of Photography
Martin Duckworth
Martin Duckworth
Editing Editor
Dominique Sicotte
Dominique Sicotte
Department Role Name

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