
TMDB Rating 7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Jan 9, 1956

Rating: 1956-01-09

Run Time: 2h 00m

Original Language: Arabic

Website: -

Production Countries: Egypt

Production Companies:




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A rural mother sells her only cow in order to enroll her son, an imam (Shukri Sarhan) at Dar al-Uloom College. When an imam arrives in Cairo, he rents a room in the Citadel area from a domineering woman named Shafa'at (Tahiya Karioka) who is fascinated by his youth and vitality and lures him into practicing vice with her. As a result, he stumbles in his studies and health. At this time, a girl whom she and her father knew from a young age helps him to get rid of all the corruption in which he lives, and her father advises him to stay away from intercessions, but the intercessions plots against him in an attempt to stay with her.

Main Cast




Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Tahiya Cariocca

Tahiya Cariocca


Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Shoukry Sarhan

Shoukry Sarhan

Imam Beltaji

Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Abdel Warith Assir

Abdel Warith Assir

Um Hasbo

Age : 87 | Popularity : 18%

Serag Mounir

Serag Mounir

Al-Sharnoubi Ismail

Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Ferdoos Mohamed

Ferdoos Mohamed

Umm Imam

Age : 54 | Popularity : 5%

Soliman ElGendy

Soliman ElGendy


Age : 50 | Popularity : 2%

Mary Ezz El Din

Mary Ezz El Din

Al-Sharnoubi's wife

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%


Department Role Name
Camera Director of Photography
Wahid Farid
Wahid Farid
Directing Director
Salah Abu Seif
Salah Abu Seif
Production Producer
Ramses Naguib
Ramses Naguib
Wahid Farid
Wahid Farid
Writing Writer
ElSayed Bedir
ElSayed Bedir
Salah Abu Seif
Salah Abu Seif
Amin Yousseff Ghurab
Amin Yousseff Ghurab
Sound Music
Fouad El-Zahry
Fouad El-Zahry
Department Role Name

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