

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

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Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Oct 8, 2001

Rating: 2001-10-08

Run Time: 12h 46m

Original Language: Latvian/Lettish

Website: -

Production Countries: Latvia

Production Companies: Film Studio Devini




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World War II separated the Latvian nation into two parts. Fleeing Soviet occupation, a large part of the people left their homeland by the Baltic Sea and sought refuge in the West. New York’s Hell’s Kitchen district became their home and the core of Latvian cultural exiles became young poets and artists. The film traces across half a century to show their life today and what has happened to those young writers and poets (the Troubadour – Gunars Silins, the Internal Dissident – Janis Kreslins, Philosopher the Dionisios – Robert Muks, the Estranged One – Rita Gale, the Observer – Aina Kraujiete, the Outsider – Dzintars Sodums) in their effort to combine the trends of global culture with their ethnic identity, when two cultures, Latvian and American, intersected.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Ināra Kolmane
Ināra Kolmane
Production Producer
Ināra Kolmane
Ināra Kolmane
Writing Writer
Nora Ikstena
Nora Ikstena
Camera Director of Photography
Uldis Jancis
Uldis Jancis
Sound Music
Jānis Brūveris
Jānis Brūveris
Ainārs Paukšēns
Ainārs Paukšēns
Sound Director
Jānis Juhņevičs
Jānis Juhņevičs
Editing Editor
Jānis Juhņevičs
Jānis Juhņevičs
Department Role Name

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