Where to watch Aaj Ke Sholey
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When the young guest of honor is kidnapped from a birthday party, five courageous kids risk everything to rescue their friend. Along the way, they learn that the kidnapper, Balbir Gupta, is an old partner of the abducted child's father, recently released from prison and looking to settle a score. Directed by S.V. Rajendra Singh, this action adventure stars Amrish Puri, Sundar Krishna Urs, M.B. Shetty, Jayanthi and Manjula.
Main Cast
Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%
Manjula Vijayakumar
Age : 59 | Popularity : 30%
Amrish Puri
Age : 72 | Popularity : 100%
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Rajendra Singh Babu
Department | Role | Name |