
TMDB Rating 6.8
IMDB Rating 7
RottenTomatoes Rating 80%


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: If you steal $300,000 from the mob, It's not robbery. It's suicide.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 19, 1972

Rating: 1972-12-19

Run Time: 1h 42m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: Film Guarantors




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In a daring robbery, some $300,000 is taken from the Italian mob. Several mafiosi are killed, as are two policemen. Lt. Pope and Capt. Mattelli are two New York City cops trying to break the case. Three small-time criminals are on the run with the money. Will the mafia catch them first, or will the police?

Main Cast

Anthony Quinn

Anthony Quinn

Capt. Frank Mattelli

Age : N/A | Popularity : 82%

Yaphet Kotto

Yaphet Kotto

Lt. William Pope

Age : N/A | Popularity : 28%

Anthony Franciosa

Anthony Franciosa

Nick D'Salvio

Age : N/A | Popularity : 53%

Paul Benjamin

Paul Benjamin

Jim Harris

Age : 81 | Popularity : 22%

Richard Ward

Richard Ward

Doc Johnson

Age : 64 | Popularity : 39%

Antonio Fargas

Antonio Fargas

Henry J. Jackson

Age : N/A | Popularity : 69%

Gilbert Lewis

Gilbert Lewis


Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Norma Donaldson

Norma Donaldson

Gloria Roberts

Age : 66 | Popularity : 23%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Barry Shear
Barry Shear
Writing Screenplay
Luther Davis
Luther Davis
Wally Ferris
Wally Ferris
Sound Original Music Composer
J.J. Johnson
J.J. Johnson
Sound Mixer
James Sabat
James Sabat
Don MacDougall
Don MacDougall
Editing Editor
Byron 'Buzz' Brandt
Byron 'Buzz' Brandt
Carl Pingitore
Carl Pingitore
Camera Director of Photography
Jack Priestley
Jack Priestley
Production Casting
Marion Dougherty
Marion Dougherty
Fouad Said
Fouad Said
Ralph B. Serpe
Ralph B. Serpe
Executive Producer
Anthony Quinn
Anthony Quinn
Barry Shear
Barry Shear
Associate Producer
Richard Stenta
Richard Stenta
Production Manager
John E. Quill
John E. Quill
Executive In Charge Of Production
Richard L. O'Connor
Richard L. O'Connor
Production Supervisor
Robert Stambler
Robert Stambler
Art Art Direction
Perry Watkins
Perry Watkins
Property Master
Jack Brandt
Jack Brandt
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Joseph Fretwell III
Joseph Fretwell III
Makeup Artist
Enrico Cortese
Enrico Cortese
Crew Stunt Coordinator
Calvin Brown
Calvin Brown
Department Role Name

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