
TMDB Rating 5.6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Oct 7, 1977

Rating: 1977-10-07

Run Time: 2h 12m

Original Language: Finnish

Website: -

Production Countries: Finland

Production Companies: Arctic-Filmi




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The film follows a boy and the relationship between his birth mother and step mother. Based on the novels by Aapeli.

Main Cast

Marja Korhonen

Marja Korhonen


Age : 90 | Popularity : 3%

Lilga Kovanko

Lilga Kovanko

Foreign dancer

Age : 81 | Popularity : 18%

Toivo Mäkelä

Toivo Mäkelä


Age : 69 | Popularity : 6%

Eila Pehkonen

Eila Pehkonen

Age : 66 | Popularity : 11%

Irma Seikkula

Irma Seikkula

Age : 87 | Popularity : 10%

Helge Herala

Helge Herala


Age : 87 | Popularity : 9%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Rauni Mollberg
Rauni Mollberg
Script Supervisor
Liisa Helminen
Liisa Helminen
Tepi Salokari
Tepi Salokari
Writing Novel
Rauni Mollberg
Rauni Mollberg
Veikko Korkala
Veikko Korkala
Seppo Heinonen
Seppo Heinonen
Sound Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Tuomo Kattilakoski
Tuomo Kattilakoski
Production Sound Mixer
Hannu Koski
Hannu Koski
Original Music Composer
Harri Tuominen
Harri Tuominen
Asser Fagerström
Asser Fagerström
Production Producer
Rauni Mollberg
Rauni Mollberg
Production Manager
Veikko Korkala
Veikko Korkala
Location Manager
Paavo Sipilä
Paavo Sipilä
Art Production Design
Seppo Heinonen
Seppo Heinonen
Camera Director of Photography
Hannu Peltomaa
Hannu Peltomaa
Editing Editor
Hannu Peltomaa
Hannu Peltomaa
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Salme Lahtinen
Salme Lahtinen
Makeup Artist
Netta Numminen
Netta Numminen
Elvi Halme
Elvi Halme
Sinikka Hursti
Sinikka Hursti
Netta Numminen
Netta Numminen
Elvi Halme
Elvi Halme
Sinikka Hursti
Sinikka Hursti
Department Role Name

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