
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: She longed to be remembered... by a man who wanted to forget.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Nov 17, 1995

Rating: 1995-11-17

Run Time: 1h 33m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries:

Production Companies:




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Melodrama about a man cursed with immortality, who tries to declare his undying love for a depressed actress.

Main Cast

Irène Jacob

Irène Jacob


Age : N/A | Popularity : 65%

Stephen Rea

Stephen Rea


Age : N/A | Popularity : 82%

Marianne Sägebrecht

Marianne Sägebrecht


Age : 79 | Popularity : 51%

Colin Salmon

Colin Salmon


Age : N/A | Popularity : 49%

Maggie O'Neill

Maggie O'Neill


Age : N/A | Popularity : 64%

John Nettles

John Nettles


Age : N/A | Popularity : 46%

Derek de Lint

Derek de Lint


Age : 74 | Popularity : 28%

Chiara Mastroianni

Chiara Mastroianni


Age : N/A | Popularity : 29%


Department Role Name
Writing Novel
Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir
Steven Gaydos
Steven Gaydos
Ate de Jong
Ate de Jong
Olwen Wymark
Olwen Wymark
Directing Director
Ate de Jong
Ate de Jong
Production Executive Producer
Frederic Golchan
Frederic Golchan
Jean Gontier
Jean Gontier
Matthijs van Heijningen
Matthijs van Heijningen
Rudolf Wichmann
Rudolf Wichmann
Line Producer
Trevor Ingman
Trevor Ingman
Péter Koltai
Péter Koltai
Sound Original Music Composer
Simon Fisher-Turner
Simon Fisher-Turner
Michael Gibbs
Michael Gibbs
Camera Director of Photography
Bruno de Keyzer
Bruno de Keyzer
Editing Editor
Nicolas Gaster
Nicolas Gaster
Art Production Design
Ben van Os
Ben van Os
Art Direction
Constance de Vos
Constance de Vos
Tibor Lázár
Tibor Lázár
Set Decoration
Ank Van Straalen
Ank Van Straalen
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Jany Temime
Jany Temime
Department Role Name

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