Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
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Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Jun 11, 2019
Rating: 2019-06-11
Run Time: 1h 31m
Original Language: Russian
Website: -
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The "Alone Anthologyc" is a project of the Andrey Konchalovsky film company that combines short films of various genres by seven aspiring Directors who reflect on what happens when a person is left alone with himself.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Ekaterina Vesheva
Evgeniy Abyzov
Nathalia Konchalovsky
Gelena Pirogova
Alexey Shabarov
Tatyana Fedorovskaya
Dmitry Bulin
Writing | Screenplay |
Ekaterina Vesheva
Elena Kiseleva
Dmitriy Kuznetsov
Nathalia Konchalovsky
Gelena Pirogova
Alexey Shabarov
Tatyana Fedorovskaya
Irina Vilkova
Dmitry Bulin
Evgeniy Abyzov
Andrey Molodykh
Production | Producer |
Andrei Konchalovsky
Olesya Gidrat
Department | Role | Name |