Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Feb 4, 2012
Rating: 2012-02-04
Run Time: 1h 28m
Original Language: Japanese
Website: Link
Production Countries: Japan
Production Companies: Uzumasa
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Watch An Artisan's Legacy: Tsunekazu Nishioka
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In-depth look at the twilight years, spent training apprentices, of temple builder Nishioka Tsunekazu, who was called the "devil" as he devoted his life to temple architecture. His insistence on the gargantuan timescale of linking life to the next millennium emerges from people who knew him. Remarkable as well for showing the unknown backstage of temple architecture. Nishioka, known as "the last temple carpenter," handled the major Showa-era repairs of Horyuji temple, and in 1990 was at the scene of the reconstruction work for Yakushi temple.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Yûji Yamazaki
Production | Producer |
Byonyan Paku
Nobukazu Uekusa
Crew | Cinematography |
Shuhei Tada
Sound | Music |
Kazuya Sahara
Editing | Editor |
Hiroyuki Imaoka
Department | Role | Name |