Revenue: $0
Budget: $460,000
Profit: - $-460,000
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Mar 29, 2019
Rating: 2019-03-29
Run Time: 1h 52m
Original Language: Albanian
Website: Link
Production Countries: Macedonia
Production Companies: Manufaktura Productions
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Where to watch An Unforgettable Spring in a Forgotten Village
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The calm and ordinary life of a forgotten village is disturbed with the arrival of three prostitutes in the village’s bar, owned by two pimp brothers. The men, despite the efforts of their wives to stop them, spend all their time in the village’s bar, spending their last money on alcohol and sex. Chaos overcomes the village school; its devotees abandon the mosque. Only two youngsters benefit from all this mayhem, by realizing their love affair, forbidden by their parents. At the end, the women start upraising. Consequently, the bar is burnt down and the village looks that it will return to normality.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Kushtrim Bekteshi
Production | Co-Producer |
Mumin Jashari
Genc Permeti
Producer |
Sašo Pavlovski
Executive Producer |
Riste Tanevski
Crew | Cinematography |
Almir Djikoli
Sound | Sound |
Darko Spasovski
Editing | Editor |
Radovan Petrovikj
Writing | Writer |
Kushtrim Bekteshi
Department | Role | Name |