Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Mar 14, 2014
Rating: 2014-03-14
Run Time: 12h 09m
Original Language: French
Website: Link
Production Countries: Canada
Production Companies: Microclimat Films
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A white room. The aging bodies of actors Gilles Pelletier and Françoise Graton testify to a love that has triumphed over time and a captivating lover's dialogue emerges between two octogenarian bodies defying inertia, old age and death. With music by the group Forêt, this sensuous short film depicts the tremblings of desire and the most elemental components of love.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Writer |
Patrick Bossé
Directing | Director |
Patrick Bossé
Editing | Editor |
Myriam Magassouba
Crew | Cinematography |
Antonio Pierre de Almeida
Costume & Make-Up | Costumer |
Eric Poirier
Makeup & Hair |
Marie Salvado
Sound | Music |
Department | Role | Name |