Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Apr 9, 2017
Rating: 2017-04-09
Run Time: 12h 05m
Original Language: Russian
Website: -
Production Countries: Russia
Production Companies: Icarus
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A fantasy in cartoon on the music of the Cumparsita de Gerardo Rodriguez matos (in an arrangement of A. Serebrennikov). The musicians begin to play the famous tango on whose music begin to dance the most unlikely characters.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Natalya Berezovaya
Mikhail Aldashin
Nikolay Bogaevsky
Sergey Gordeev
Elizaveta Astretsova
Vladimir Ponomarev
Elena Chernova
Alexey Budovsky
Artur Tolstobrov
Sasha Svirsky
Dimitri Vysotsky
Sergey Merinov
Writing | Screenplay |
Natalya Berezovaya
Sasha Svirsky
Alexey Budovsky
Sergey Merinov
Nikolay Bogaevsky
Vladimir Ponomarev
Dimitri Vysotsky
Elizaveta Astretsova
Elena Chernova
Mikhail Aldashin
Sergey Gordeev
Artur Tolstobrov
Camera | Director of Photography |
Andrey Puchnin
Production | Producer |
Sergey Kapkov
Sound | Sound Director |
Andrey Levin
Artem Fadeev
Visual Effects | Animation |
Elizaveta Astretsova
Vladimir Ponomarev
Sergey Gordeev
Sergey Merinov
Sasha Svirsky
Nikolay Bogaevsky
Elena Chernova
Alexey Budovsky
Dimitri Vysotsky
Natalya Berezovaya
Mikhail Aldashin
Artur Tolstobrov
Department | Role | Name |