
TMDB Rating 7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: The life of a Polish singer, from an early age to a fatal accident.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Sep 3, 2012

Rating: 2012-09-03

Run Time: 12h 00m

Original Language: Russian

Website: -

Production Countries: Poland , Ukraine

Production Companies: Star Media




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The story of a singer who, at the peak of her fame, was in a car accident and ended up chained to a hospital bed. For 12 days, the rising star Anna Herman did not regain consciousness. In those days, she had to relive the tragic events of her childhood - the arrest of her father, accused of espionage, the wanderings of their orphaned family in Central Asia, the death of her little brother, the war and escape to Poland in the hope of hiding from her pursuers from the NKVD ... First love and first success ... None of the doctors believed that she would survive. And even if this happens, she was predicted to be completely immobile for the rest of her life. However, after 12 days in a coma, heaven gave her a chance to start life anew. And she did the impossible, becoming the "white angel" of the Soviet stage ...

Main Cast

Joanna Moro

Joanna Moro

Anna Herman

Age : 40 | Popularity : 7%

Mariya Poroshina

Mariya Poroshina

Irma Martens

Age : N/A | Popularity : 30%

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov

Valentin Lavrishin

Age : N/A | Popularity : 40%

Yekaterina Vasilyeva

Yekaterina Vasilyeva

Anna German grandmother

Age : N/A | Popularity : 47%

Konstantin Milovanov

Konstantin Milovanov

Evgeny Herman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Tommaso Ramenghi

Tommaso Ramenghi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

Anna Kirina

Anna Kirina

Anna Herman (6 years old)

Age : 20 | Popularity : 1%

Maria Bekker

Maria Bekker


Age : 46 | Popularity : 10%


Department Role Name
Sound Music
Daniil Yudelevich
Daniil Yudelevich
Writing Writer
Alina Semeryakova
Alina Semeryakova
Production Producer
Galina Balan-Timkina
Galina Balan-Timkina
Vladyslav Riashyn
Vladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producer
Dmitry Olenich
Dmitry Olenich
Camera Director of Photography
Andrey Vorobiev
Andrey Vorobiev
Grzegorz Kedzierski
Grzegorz Kedzierski
Alexander Krishtalovich
Alexander Krishtalovich
Pavel Fomintsev
Pavel Fomintsev
Directing Director
Waldemar Krzystek
Waldemar Krzystek
Oleksandr Timenko
Oleksandr Timenko
Department Role Name

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