

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

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Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Mar 5, 2014

Rating: 2014-03-05

Run Time: 1h 26m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries: Russia

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Anna Karenina is the tragic story of a married aristocrat/socialite and her affair with the affluent Count Vronsky. The story starts when she arrives in the midst of a family broken up by her brother’s unbridled womanizing — something that prefigures her own later situation, though she would experience less tolerance by others. A bachelor, Vronsky is eager to marry her if she would agree to leave her husband Karenin, a government official, but she is vulnerable to the pressures of Russian social norms, her own insecurities, and Karenin’s indecision. Although Vronsky and Anna go to Italy, where they can be together, they have trouble making friends. Back in Russia, she is shunned, becoming further isolated and anxious, while Vronsky pursues his social life. Despite Vronsky’s reassurances, she grows increasingly possessive and paranoid about his imagined infidelity, fearing loss of control.

Main Cast

Ulyana Lopatkina

Ulyana Lopatkina

Anna Karenina

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Viktor Baranov

Viktor Baranov

Alexei Karenin

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Andrei Yermakov

Andrei Yermakov


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


No Crew Added For This Movie Yet.

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