

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Nov 15, 2019

Rating: 2019-11-15

Run Time: 1h 13m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries:

Production Companies: Cinema Politica Productions , Wide Open Exposure Productions




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How do you reconcile the expectations of the education system, personal aspirations and the student’s culture and heritage? These fundamental questions are central to Aisha’s inspiring story. The extraverted, creative Kwakwaka’wakw girl doesn’t hesitate to question the institutional capacity to consider her ambitions. With the support of her mother, Gunargie, who was sent to residential school, Aisha wants to leave public school, which is poorly adapted to her temperament and cultural preoccupations. Revealing a sharp observational sense and driven by an energetic protagonist, Another Word for Learning asks probing questions about the foundations of education in Canada, while painting a touching portrait of an inspiring mother-daughter relationship.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Editing Editor
Boban Chaldovich
Boban Chaldovich
Nicolas Renaud
Nicolas Renaud
Pirouz Nemati
Pirouz Nemati
Production Producer
Amy Miller
Amy Miller
Svetla Turnin
Svetla Turnin
Jadis Mariette Dumas
Jadis Mariette Dumas
Sound Music
Jon Bap
Jon Bap
Eliza Kavtion
Eliza Kavtion
Sound Designer
Chris Leon
Chris Leon
Writing Writer
Jadis Mariette Dumas
Jadis Mariette Dumas
Directing Director
Jadis Mariette Dumas
Jadis Mariette Dumas
Crew Cinematography
Farhad Ghaderi
Farhad Ghaderi
Kaayla Whachell
Kaayla Whachell
Department Role Name

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