
TMDB Rating 6.8
IMDB Rating 7.4


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Mar 29, 2016

Rating: 2016-03-29

Run Time: 1h 25m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries:

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Rocket science meets the auto industry as "APEX" follows a thread that starts in the design studios and R&D labs where these "fighter jets of the street" are created, and leads to a perilous racetrack in Germany where drivers can reach new heights of speed and performance -- if they dare. Equal parts human drama and speed, "APEX" follows Swedish entrepreneur Christian von Koenigsegg, a lifelong sports car enthusiast on a personal quest to build a "mega" car whose golden ratio defies all expectations for a hypercar's velocity and power, while competing against the biggest names in motorsports for space on the world stage. With insights from top engineers and designers, "APEX" pulls back the curtain on the top-secret development facilities at Porsche, Ferrari, McLaren and Pagani, where awe-inspiring hypercars are imagined and built, and puts you inches from the action, as top drivers shake down the latest hypercars, flat-out on some of the world's greatest racetracks.

Main Cast

Zachary Levi

Zachary Levi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 81%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Josh Vietze
Josh Vietze
J.F. Musial
J.F. Musial
Writing Writer
Michael Spinelli
Michael Spinelli
Department Role Name

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