
TMDB Rating 5


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: May 21, 1985

Rating: 1985-05-21

Run Time: 1h 15m

Original Language: Portuguese

Website: -

Production Countries: Brazil

Production Companies: Roda Filmes LTDA. , Z Produtora Cinematográfica LTDA. , Porto Produções LTDA.




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Raul and Saul work at the same office. Raul, outgoing and good-natured comes from a broken marriage. Saul is shy, with a critical and bitter disposition. He comes from a broken engagement, and a failed suicide attempt. In spite of their differences, they become quite good friends. But their colleagues begin to wonder whether there's something beyond friendship between them.

Main Cast

Pedro Wayne

Pedro Wayne

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Beto Ruas

Beto Ruas

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Suzana Saldanha

Suzana Saldanha

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Maria Inês Falcão

Maria Inês Falcão

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Oscar Simch

Oscar Simch

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Carlos Cunha Filho

Carlos Cunha Filho

Age : 75 | Popularity : 0%

Biratã Vieira

Biratã Vieira

Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Edu Madruga

Edu Madruga

Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Sérgio Amon
Sérgio Amon
Assistant Director
Giba Assis Brasil
Giba Assis Brasil
Alex Sernambi
Alex Sernambi
Rudi Lagemann
Rudi Lagemann
Writing Screenplay
Pablo Vierci
Pablo Vierci
Sérgio Amon
Sérgio Amon
Caio Fernando Abreu
Caio Fernando Abreu
Camera Camera Operator
César Charlone
César Charlone
Costume & Make-Up Costumer
Marta Biavaschi
Marta Biavaschi
Sound Music
Augusto Licks
Augusto Licks
Editing Editor
Roberto Henkin
Roberto Henkin
Sérgio Amon
Sérgio Amon
Crew Mix Technician
Roberto Carvalho
Roberto Carvalho
Production Production Executive
Rudi Lagemann
Rudi Lagemann
Marlise Storchi
Marlise Storchi
Sérgio Lerrer
Sérgio Lerrer
Department Role Name

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