
TMDB Rating 5.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Jan 25, 1954

Rating: 1954-01-25

Run Time: 1h 17m

Original Language: Spanish

Website: -

Production Countries: Spain

Production Companies: Helenia Films




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Carlos goes to visit his girlfriend Juana at the asylum where she works. Once there, the director introduces him to his niece, who is obsessed with playing the harp, and to a nurse who repeats word for word what Carlos says.

Main Cast

Susana Canales

Susana Canales


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Julio Peña

Julio Peña


Age : 60 | Popularity : 12%

Elvira Quintillá

Elvira Quintillá


Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Antonio Vico

Antonio Vico

Mercedes' Husband

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

María Asquerino

María Asquerino


Age : N/A | Popularity : 25%

José María Lado

José María Lado

Dr. Posada

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Fernando Fernán Gómez

Fernando Fernán Gómez


Age : N/A | Popularity : 38%

María Rivas

María Rivas


Age : 81 | Popularity : 6%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Fernando Fernán Gómez
Fernando Fernán Gómez
Luis María Delgado
Luis María Delgado
Assistant Director
José María Ochoa
José María Ochoa
Script Supervisor
Carmen Salas
Carmen Salas
Camera Director of Photography
Cecilio Paniagua
Cecilio Paniagua
Sebastián Perera
Sebastián Perera
Camera Operator
Mario Pacheco
Mario Pacheco
Still Photographer
Rafael Pacheco
Rafael Pacheco
Editing Editor
Félix Suárez Inclán
Félix Suárez Inclán
Production Production Manager
Ramón Plana
Ramón Plana
Production Assistant
Carlos Boué
Carlos Boué
Sound Sound
Felipe Sáez Barea
Felipe Sáez Barea
Antonio Fernández Roces
Antonio Fernández Roces
Original Music Composer
Manuel Parada
Manuel Parada
Writing Short Story
Aleksandr Kuprin
Aleksandr Kuprin
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
Leonid Andreyev
Leonid Andreyev
Francisco Tomás Comes
Francisco Tomás Comes
Fernando Fernán Gómez
Fernando Fernán Gómez
Costume & Make-Up Makeup Designer
Carlos Nin
Carlos Nin
Art Production Design
Eduardo Torre de la Fuente
Eduardo Torre de la Fuente
Department Role Name

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