Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Apr 14, 2019
Rating: 2019-04-14
Run Time: 12h 20m
Original Language: Turkish
Website: -
Production Countries: Turkey
Production Companies:
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Embarked on a spaceship in the hope of finding a new habitable planet, the human trapped in his own ship after the robot overseer finds every single candidate planet unsuitable.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer |
Gökalp Gönen
Camera | Director of Photography |
Gökalp Gönen
Visual Effects | Animation Director |
Özlem Süme
Ferit Yücel
Sound | Music |
Yasemin Özler
Ozan Çanak
Directing | Director |
Gökalp Gönen
Writing | Writer |
Gökalp Gönen
Editing | Editor |
Gökalp Gönen
Department | Role | Name |