Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: Microbes that rule our world
Status: Released
Average Rating: 9
Release Date: Feb 9, 2016
Rating: 2017-02-01
Run Time: 12h 54m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: France
Production Companies: Grand Angle Productions , ARTE
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Coming in all shapes and sizes, bacteria are present in every corner of the Earth. Their purposes and types are even more diverse, with only 1% being truly harmful. Dive into the world of Bacteria to experience the latest discoveries and scientific knowledge surrounding these plentiful and necessary microbes.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Stéphane Bégoin
Writing | Writer |
Vincent Gaullier
Cécile Dumas
Production | Producer |
Guillaume Pérès
Production Director |
Anne Fredon
Production Manager |
Maryline Holluigue
Production Assistant |
Margot Braud
Tiphaine Rabeisen
Location Assistant |
Pierre Criscolo
Administration |
Isabelle Aubard-Berry
Christel Grimaut
Finance |
Sylviane Brossard
Development Producer |
David Guyer
Executive Producer |
Jean-Luc Millan
Crew | Cinematography |
Geoffroy Groult
Scientific Consultant |
Sandrine Mary
Mixing Engineer |
Pierre Dechamp
Technical Supervisor |
Yohan Simonneau
Camera | Assistant Camera |
Jean-Baptiste Seror
Camera Operator |
John Jackson
Madjid Chir
Sound | Sound |
Tom Visser
Étienne Gauthier
Music |
Emmanuel d'Orlando
Mathieu Gauriat
Visual Effects | 3D Director |
Olivier Michon
Editing | Editor |
Dimitri Daryl
Sébastien Bonnefon
Color Grading |
Jeremie Pouchard
Assistant Editor |
Roxane Dumarais
Fanny Mongeorge
Alexandre Bouzza
Kevin Brochain
Cloe Benet
Paul Minet
Department | Role | Name |