
TMDB Rating 5.6
IMDB Rating 5.9


Revenue: $7,005,528

Budget: $17,610,801

Profit: - $-10,605,273

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jul 10, 2008

Rating: 2008-11-22

Run Time: 2h 21m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United Kingdom , Hungary , Slovakia , France , Czech Republic

Production Companies: J&J JAKUBISKO FILM EUROPE Production s.r.o. , Eurofilm Stúdió , J&J Jakubisko Film , Lunar Films , Concorde Film Trust , Fonds Eurimages du Conseil de l'Europe , Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic , Státní fond ČR pro podporu a rozvoj české kinematografie




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Bathory is based on the legends surrounding the life and deeds of Countess Elizabeth Bathory known as the greatest murderess in the history of mankind. Contrary to popular belief, Elizabeth Bathory was a modern Renaissance woman who ultimately fell victim to men’s aspirations for power and wealth.

Main Cast

Anna Friel

Anna Friel

Elizabeth Bathory

Age : N/A | Popularity : 83%

Karel Roden

Karel Roden

Juraj Thurzo

Age : N/A | Popularity : 18%

Hans Matheson

Hans Matheson


Age : N/A | Popularity : 40%

Vincent Regan

Vincent Regan


Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Franco Nero

Franco Nero

King Mathias

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Bolek Polívka

Bolek Polívka

Monk Petr

Age : 75 | Popularity : 26%

Deana Horváthová

Deana Horváthová


Age : 66 | Popularity : 16%

Julie Dreyfus

Julie Dreyfus

Lady Katarina

Age : N/A | Popularity : 65%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Juraj Jakubisko
Juraj Jakubisko
Writing Screenplay
Juraj Jakubisko
Juraj Jakubisko
John Paul Chapple
John Paul Chapple
Production Producer
Mike Downey
Mike Downey
Deana Horváthová
Deana Horváthová
Zorana Piggott
Zorana Piggott
Executive Producer
Thom Mount
Thom Mount
Associate Producer
Martin Spott
Martin Spott
Line Producer
Kevan Van Thompson
Kevan Van Thompson
Ivan Filus
Ivan Filus
Zorana Piggott
Zorana Piggott
Péter Miskolczi
Péter Miskolczi
Jessica Horváthová
Jessica Horváthová
Lucy Bevan
Lucy Bevan
Ingrid Hodálová
Ingrid Hodálová
Sound Original Music Composer
Simon Boswell
Simon Boswell
Jan Jirásek
Jan Jirásek
Katarína Knechtová
Katarína Knechtová
Sound Editor
Jon Johnson
Jon Johnson
Martin Maryska
Martin Maryska
Sandy Gendler
Sandy Gendler
Ben Wilkins
Ben Wilkins
Brad Sokol
Brad Sokol
Devin Johnson
Devin Johnson
Matthew Skelding
Matthew Skelding
Blair Jollands
Blair Jollands
Simon Gershon
Simon Gershon
Sound Mixer
Patrick Cyccone Jr.
Patrick Cyccone Jr.
Elliot Tyson
Elliot Tyson
Graham Daniel
Graham Daniel
Adam Daniel
Adam Daniel
Sound Mix Technician
Mark Purcell
Mark Purcell
Sound Engineer
Scott Oyster
Scott Oyster
Petr Kapeller
Petr Kapeller
Andrea Veselková
Andrea Veselková
Zdeněk Dušek
Zdeněk Dušek
Crew Cinematography
Ján Ďuriš
Ján Ďuriš
F. A. Brabec
F. A. Brabec
Stunt Coordinator
Jiří Kuba
Jiří Kuba
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Julia Patkos
Julia Patkos
Jaroslava Pecharová
Jaroslava Pecharová
Makeup Artist
Jana Radilová
Jana Radilová
Art Production Design
Juraj Jakubisko
Juraj Jakubisko
Editing Editor
Christopher Blunden
Christopher Blunden
Patrik Pašš
Patrik Pašš
Juraj Jakubisko
Juraj Jakubisko
Visual Effects VFX Supervisor
Jiří Šindelář
Jiří Šindelář
Department Role Name

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