Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Mar 11, 1918
Rating: 1918-03-11
Run Time: 12h 50m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries:
Production Companies: Universal Film Manufacturing Company
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Rosarita, a young relative of the powerful Doña Perfecta in the small Spanish village of Orbajosa, has been betrothed since infancy to her cousin, Pepe Rey Don Jose, although the two have never met. When Pepe comes to visit Rosarita, she immediately falls in love with him, but his offhand remark about the lack of enterprise in the small town alienates Doña Perfecta, and the old woman becomes determined to prevent the marriage.
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Novel |
Benito Pérez Galdós
Writer |
Elliott J. Clawson
Camera | Director of Photography |
Alfred Gosden
Directing | Director |
Elsie Jane Wilson
Department | Role | Name |