Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: The daring experience of finding the courage to be yourself on the road to freedom
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Jan 18, 2013
Rating: 2013-01-18
Run Time: 1h 15m
Original Language: Spanish
Website: -
Production Countries: Mexico
Production Companies: Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC)
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Where to watch Between Night and Day
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Francisco, a man with autism resides secluded, ignored and locked away. He's a burden on his brothers, and decides to flee into the forest, where he befriends a rat.
Department | Role | Name |
Sound | Sound Editor |
David Mantecón
Writing | Screenplay |
Bernardo Arellano
Directing | Director |
Bernardo Arellano
Editing | Editor |
Bernardo Arellano
Camera | Director of Photography |
Damián Aguilar
Department | Role | Name |