
TMDB Rating 4.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: They will tear, rip, and bite anyone in their path of vengeance.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: Jan 5, 1991

Rating: 1991-01-05

Run Time: 1h 28m

Original Language: Italian

Website: -

Production Countries: Italy

Production Companies: Filmakers S.r.l.




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Three American college students, Dick, his sister Jessica, and her British boyfriend Kevin, are traveling through Brazil on vacation when Dick, after attending a bizarre voodoo ceremony, develops strange powers. When their jeep breaks down near a small plantation in the jungle outside Rio, the site of a former slave rebellion 150 years ago, Dick uses his powers to raise the dead of six executed Negro slaves whom target the college kids and the residents of the plantation to seek revenge for their deaths

Main Cast

Keith Van Hoven

Keith Van Hoven


Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Joe Balogh

Joe Balogh


Age : N/A | Popularity : 20%

Sonia Curtis

Sonia Curtis


Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%

Philip Murray

Philip Murray


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Juliana Teixeira

Juliana Teixeira


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Maria Alves

Maria Alves


Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Cléa Simões

Cléa Simões


Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%

Justo Silva

Justo Silva


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Umberto Lenzi
Umberto Lenzi
Script Supervisor
Olga Pehar
Olga Pehar
Assistant Director
Franco Fantasia
Franco Fantasia
Production Producer
Giuseppe Gargiulo
Giuseppe Gargiulo
Location Manager
Jean Carl Boringer
Jean Carl Boringer
Unit Manager
Maria Luiza Lorette Dubini
Maria Luiza Lorette Dubini
Production Manager
Fabrizio Gargiulo
Fabrizio Gargiulo
Production Secretary
Michela Maxson
Michela Maxson
Production Coordinator
Rita Di Giamberardino
Rita Di Giamberardino
Oscar Claudio
Oscar Claudio
Production Designer
Guliana Bertuzzi
Guliana Bertuzzi
Casting Director
Werner Pochath
Werner Pochath
Production Assistant
Luiz De Carvalho
Luiz De Carvalho
Costume & Make-Up Wardrobe Supervisor
Anita Gonsalvez Ruiz
Anita Gonsalvez Ruiz
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Franco Casagni
Franco Casagni
Pat Pantanella
Pat Pantanella
Costume Designer
Olga Pehar
Olga Pehar
Camera Grip
Alexander Silas
Alexander Silas
Hector Bravo
Hector Bravo
Camera Operator
Umberto Lenzi
Umberto Lenzi
Jimmy Duarte
Jimmy Duarte
Second Assistant Camera
Jerry Cooper
Jerry Cooper
Key Grip
Umberto Magostini
Umberto Magostini
Assistant Camera
Robert C. Souza
Robert C. Souza
Still Photographer
César Pina Duarte
César Pina Duarte
Lighting Electrician
Paul Little Roy
Paul Little Roy
Edmund Fuller
Edmund Fuller
Danny Ross
Danny Ross
Best Boy Electric
Mike Pellegrini
Mike Pellegrini
Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers
Crew Stunts
Tom Maldovans
Tom Maldovans
Mike Ruiz
Mike Ruiz
Lilly Maldovans
Lilly Maldovans
Lily Maldovans
Lily Maldovans
Perry Caputo
Perry Caputo
Mark Rutz
Mark Rutz
Willy Rossen
Willy Rossen
Special Sound Effects
Marius Grant
Marius Grant
Daniel M. Elmor
Daniel M. Elmor
Maurizio Dell'Orco
Maurizio Dell'Orco
Special Effects
Serge Farjala
Serge Farjala
Stunt Coordinator
Mark Carradine Jr.
Mark Carradine Jr.
Rody F. Whitman
Rody F. Whitman
Sound Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Gianni D'Amico
Gianni D'Amico
Original Music Composer
Franco Micalizzi
Franco Micalizzi
Piero Parisi
Piero Parisi
Editing Assistant Editor
Carola Blisset
Carola Blisset
Vanio Amici
Vanio Amici
Visual Effects Visual Effects
Hugh Carrera
Hugh Carrera
Franco Casagni
Franco Casagni
Writing Screenplay
Olga Pehar
Olga Pehar
Umberto Lenzi
Umberto Lenzi
Art Art Direction
Michele Massimo Tarantini
Michele Massimo Tarantini
Department Role Name

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