
TMDB Rating 6.2
IMDB Rating 5.6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Dec 13, 2018

Rating: 2018-12-13

Run Time: 1h 28m

Original Language: Dutch

Website: -

Production Countries: Netherlands

Production Companies: Kaap Holland Film , Het huis van Asporaat , RTL




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Robertico is living in Curacao with Noella Maduro. While he is preparing to ask her to marry him, something happens to Ken Maduro, Noella's dad. Things go wrong, and Noelle tells Robertico she wants a time-out and flies to her dad in The Netherlands. Noella has to take her fathers job in hosting an special auction together with an wealthy young man. When Robertico finds out about this, he also flies to The Netherlands to win over Noella. With the help of his aunt Judeska, the other staff of FC Kip"Radjesh,Noltie & Kofi", and Asian hustler Ping Ping, he hopes he can convince her to marry him.

Main Cast

Jandino Asporaat

Jandino Asporaat

Robertico / Judeska / Rajesh / Gerrie / Ahmet / Sidney

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Liliana de Vries

Liliana de Vries

Noëlla Maduro

Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Steef de Bot

Steef de Bot


Age : 34 | Popularity : 18%

Guido Pollemans

Guido Pollemans


Age : N/A | Popularity : 18%

Sergio Romero IJssel

Sergio Romero IJssel

Norwin / Noltie

Age : 45 | Popularity : 10%

Alpha Oumar Barry

Alpha Oumar Barry


Age : N/A | Popularity : 1%

Phi Nguyen

Phi Nguyen

Ping Ping

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Dennis Rudge

Dennis Rudge

Ken Maduro

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Jon Karthaus
Jon Karthaus
Writing Writer
Jandino Asporaat
Jandino Asporaat
Maarten Swart
Maarten Swart
Production Producer
Maarten Swart
Maarten Swart
Sander Emmering
Sander Emmering
Nelsje Musch-Elzinga
Nelsje Musch-Elzinga
Wilco Wolfers
Wilco Wolfers
Sven Sauvé
Sven Sauvé
Jandino Asporaat
Jandino Asporaat
Delegated Producer
Erwin Godschalk
Erwin Godschalk
Betty Post
Betty Post
Editing Editor
Elsbeth Kasteel
Elsbeth Kasteel
Costume & Make-Up Makeup & Hair
Jacqueline Hoogendijk
Jacqueline Hoogendijk
Costume Design
Nicolas Boyer
Nicolas Boyer
Elske van Buuren
Elske van Buuren
Foske Douze
Foske Douze
Art Production Design
Harry Ammerlaan
Harry Ammerlaan
Sound Sound Designer
Jan Willem van den Brink
Jan Willem van den Brink
Gabor Verhoeven
Gabor Verhoeven
Original Music Composer
Guido Maat
Guido Maat
Camera Director of Photography
Max Maloney
Max Maloney
Department Role Name

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