
TMDB Rating 10


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 10

Release Date: Dec 1, 1997

Rating: 1997-12-01

Run Time: 1h 24m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Ireland

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Recorded Live at the Olympia Theatre, Dublin After six years on the road playing the Mother of all Mammys, Agnes Brown. Brendan O'Carroll returns to his Stand Up Comedy roots. And where would he go but to his native Dublin City. The Olympia Theatre sold out the 10,000 tickets for the week long run in just one hour. So out he stepped to an audience full of anticipation and ready to have a laugh. And they did....Big Time! Enjoy Brendan as he takes the audience on a character trip which includes: Charlie Smart, the 80 year old cynical auld bastard, Agnes Brown who just has to comment on the uselessness of men and then the man himself Brendan O'Caroll takes center stage, and lays waste to all the things tht annoy him (and probably you too) - you will howl along with the Olympia audience watching a true master at work.

Main Cast

Brendan O'Carroll

Brendan O'Carroll

Age : 69 | Popularity : 51%


No Crew Added For This Movie Yet.

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