Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Jan 14, 1960
Rating: 1960-01-14
Run Time: 1h 32m
Original Language: German
Website: -
Production Countries: Germany
Production Companies: Roxy Film
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The paths of three men cross for a short time in post-war Berlin. Robert and Willy are unattached and unemployed, Georg has joined them from Hamburg, he has a family and occasionally does something crooked. That's what the three of them are up to together: A safe is to be cracked, the plan comes from Robert. Then Else shows up, a former girlfriend of Robert's who now lives with his buddy Willy. She is interested in Robert again, but he turns her down. Blind with jealousy, Willy nevertheless feels betrayed and rats out their joint scheme to the police. As they stand in front of the strongbox, they are surrounded by police officers. One of them, Inspector Stern, suddenly recognizes in Robert the man who saved his life during the war.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Alfred Weidenmann
Assistant Director |
Wieland Liebske
Assistant Director Trainee |
Wolf Vollmar
Writing | Novel |
Igor Sentjurc
Writer |
Herbert Reinecker
Production | Producer |
Luggi Waldleitner
Unit Manager |
Kurt Paetz
Fritz Anton
Production Manager |
Heinrich Schier
Karl Mitschke
Sound | Music |
Hans-Martin Majewski
Sound |
Hans Löhmer
Camera | Director of Photography |
Kurt Hasse
Assistant Camera |
Lothar Kern
Camera Operator |
Henry Rupé
Still Photographer |
Leo Weisse
Editing | Editor |
Lilian Seng
Assistant Editor |
Ursula Zschiesche
Art | Production Design |
Wolf Englert
Ernst Richter
Props |
Helmut Künecke
Max Freude
Fritz Moritz
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Design |
Ursula Stutz
Hairstylist |
Max Patyna
Jutta Haase
Wardrobe Master |
Margarete Markwordt
Walter Schreckling
Department | Role | Name |