
TMDB Rating 7.7
IMDB Rating 7.1


Revenue: $190,000

Budget: $110,000

Profit: + $80,000

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Oct 16, 2015

Rating: 2015-10-16

Run Time: 1h 50m

Original Language: Bengali/Bangla

Website: -

Production Countries: India

Production Companies: RP Techvision (I) Pvt. Ltd. , Anjan Dutt Production




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The curtain rises on a small coalfield town. Plagued with a series of unexplained troubles that broke out suddenly, owner of a coalmine seeks the help of Byomkesh Bakshi to sort things out for him. When Byomkesh arrives with his trusted confidante Ajit, they discover to their complete dismay a maze of crimes woven around a violent murder that had little to do with the job that they were entrusted with. A mesmerizing mosaic of criminal characters, a sordid saga of lecherous lust, the thriller unfolds the complex layers of the human mind.

Main Cast

Jisshu Sengupta

Jisshu Sengupta


Age : N/A | Popularity : 44%

Saswata Chatterjee

Saswata Chatterjee


Age : N/A | Popularity : 68%

Ushasie Chakraborty

Ushasie Chakraborty


Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Ankitaa Chakraborty

Ankitaa Chakraborty

Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Shantilal Mukherjee

Shantilal Mukherjee

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Kaushik Sen

Kaushik Sen


Age : N/A | Popularity : 38%

Priyanka Sarkar

Priyanka Sarkar


Age : N/A | Popularity : 32%


Department Role Name
Sound Music
Neel Dutt
Neel Dutt
Directing Director
Anjan Dutt
Anjan Dutt
Writing Screenplay
Anjan Dutt
Anjan Dutt
Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay
Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay
Department Role Name

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