Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: A humanistic triumph...
Status: Released
Average Rating: 8
Release Date: Feb 6, 2008
Rating: 2009-08-14
Run Time: 1h 42m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: Jordan
Production Companies: Paper and Pen Films , GigaPix Studios
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Abu Raed is an old airport janitor who has always yearned to travel the world but has never been able to afford it. One day, he finds an old discarded pilot's hat, and discovers a calling: a group of children in his poor neighborhood assume he's an airline captain and beg him to share stories of the world outside of Amman, Jordan. Through imaginary tales, a friendship forms, and Abu Raed is soon faced with the grim realities of the children's home life. Thus he takes it upon himself to make a difference in their lives.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Amin Matalqa
Sound | Music |
Austin Wintory
Camera | Director of Photography |
Reinhart Peschke
Editing | Editor |
Laith Majali
Art | Production Design |
Gerald Sullivan
Art Direction |
Linda Sena
Production | Producer |
Kenneth Kokin
Laith Majali
Amin Matalqa
Line Producer |
Karima Ladjimi
Co-Producer |
Jimmy Cummings
Executive Producer |
David Pritchard
Writing | Writer |
Amin Matalqa
Department | Role | Name |