
TMDB Rating 6.5
IMDB Rating 6.9


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: It speaks to you in the language of love, laughter and tears!...

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 25, 1963

Rating: 1963-12-25

Run Time: 2h 06m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: Universal Pictures




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In 1944, Capt. Josiah J. Newman is the doctor in charge of Ward 7, the neuropsychiatric ward, at an Army Air Corps hospital in Arizona. The hospital is under-resourced and Newman scrounges what he needs with the help of his inventive staff, especially Cpl. Jake Leibowitz. The military in general is only just coming to accept psychiatric disorders as legitimate and Newman generally has 6 weeks to cure them or send them on to another facility. There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past; Capt. Paul Winston who is nearly catatonic after spending 13 months hiding in a cellar behind enemy lines; and 20 year-old Cpl. Jim Tompkins who is severely traumatized after his aircraft was shot down. Others come and go, including Italian prisoners of war, but Newman and team all realize that their success means the men will return to their units.

Main Cast

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Capt. Josiah "Joe" Newman, MD

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Tony Curtis

Tony Curtis

Cpl. Jackson "Jake" Leibowitz

Age : N/A | Popularity : 99%

Angie Dickinson

Angie Dickinson

Lt. Francie Corum

Age : N/A | Popularity : 79%

Eddie Albert

Eddie Albert

Col. Norval Algate Bliss

Age : 99 | Popularity : 73%

James Gregory

James Gregory

Col. Edgar Pyser

Age : 90 | Popularity : 100%

Bethel Leslie

Bethel Leslie

Mrs. Helene Winston

Age : 70 | Popularity : 34%

Robert Duvall

Robert Duvall

Capt. Paul Cabot Winston

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Jane Withers

Jane Withers

Lt. Grace Blodgett

Age : 98 | Popularity : 32%


Department Role Name
Editing Editor
Alma Macrorie
Alma Macrorie
Writing Screenplay
Richard L. Breen
Richard L. Breen
Phoebe Ephron
Phoebe Ephron
Henry Ephron
Henry Ephron
Leo Rosten
Leo Rosten
Directing Director
David Miller
David Miller
Assistant Director
Phil Bowles
Phil Bowles
William S. Gilmore
William S. Gilmore
Second Unit Director
Robert D. Webb
Robert D. Webb
Second Assistant Director
Terry Morse Jr.
Terry Morse Jr.
Production Producer
Robert Arthur
Robert Arthur
Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck
Executive Producer
Tony Curtis
Tony Curtis
Unit Production Manager
Joseph C. Behm
Joseph C. Behm
Sound Original Music Composer
Frank Skinner
Frank Skinner
Russell Garcia
Russell Garcia
Sound Assistant
John Erlinger
John Erlinger
Henry Janssen
Henry Janssen
John Oliver
John Oliver
Waldon O. Watson
Waldon O. Watson
William Russell
William Russell
Music Supervisor
Joseph Gershenson
Joseph Gershenson
Paul Salamunovich
Paul Salamunovich
Camera Director of Photography
Russell Metty
Russell Metty
Camera Operator
Eddie Pyle
Eddie Pyle
Kenneth Smith
Kenneth Smith
Charles Cowie
Charles Cowie
Still Photographer
Rollie Lane
Rollie Lane
Crew Additional Music
Russell Garcia
Russell Garcia
Special Effects
Walter Hammond
Walter Hammond
Johnny Hagner
Johnny Hagner
Robert "Buzz" Henry
Robert "Buzz" Henry
Art Art Direction
Alexander Golitzen
Alexander Golitzen
Alfred Sweeney
Alfred Sweeney
Set Decoration
Howard Bristol
Howard Bristol
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Rosemary Odell
Rosemary Odell
Makeup Designer
Bud Westmore
Bud Westmore
Larry Germain
Larry Germain
Emma M. diVittorio
Emma M. diVittorio
Makeup Artist
Jean Abbott
Jean Abbott
Frank McCoy
Frank McCoy
Frank Prehoda
Frank Prehoda
Visual Effects Matte Painter
Albert Whitlock
Albert Whitlock
Department Role Name

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