
TMDB Rating 5.4
IMDB Rating 5.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Jul 22, 2006

Rating: 2006-07-22

Run Time: 2h 04m

Original Language: Polish

Website: -

Production Countries: Poland

Production Companies: SPI International , Agencja Produkcji Filmowej , TVP , WFDiF




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The movie is about three brothers and a sister. The brothers include a would-be tough guy thug, a sleazy lawyer and an anarchist. The anarchist and the sister (Maria Strzelecka) have a thing for each other that is more than just sibling affection. Each of them is facing a problem of their own making. A lot depends on how they deal with their issues, as there isn't much lower they can stoop other than being dead. In the beginning of the film there is a lot going on, which makes it a little hard to follow, but that goes along with the theme of chaos.

Main Cast

Magdalena Cielecka

Magdalena Cielecka

Hanna von Bronheim

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Borys Szyc

Borys Szyc


Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Maria Strzelecka

Maria Strzelecka


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%

Paweł Wilczak

Paweł Wilczak


Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Marcin Brzozowski

Marcin Brzozowski


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Mariusz Bonaszewski

Mariusz Bonaszewski

von Bronheim

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Helena Sztyber

Helena Sztyber


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Anna Gryszka

Anna Gryszka


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Xawery Żuławski
Xawery Żuławski
Assistant Director
Ludwik Plater-Zyberk
Ludwik Plater-Zyberk
Katarzyna Trzaska
Katarzyna Trzaska
Writing Writer
Xawery Żuławski
Xawery Żuławski
Production Line Producer
Kama Janczyk
Kama Janczyk
Piotr Reisch
Piotr Reisch
Executive Producer
Radosław Styś
Radosław Styś
Marek Wróbel
Marek Wróbel
Post Production Coordinator
Jakub Chilczuk
Jakub Chilczuk
Joanna Hanusiak
Joanna Hanusiak
Production Coordinator
Maja Zielony
Maja Zielony
Crew Cinematography
Marian Prokop
Marian Prokop
Special Effects
Marcin Malewski
Marcin Malewski
Paweł Pewny
Paweł Pewny
Tomasz Przydatek
Tomasz Przydatek
Robert Brzeziński
Robert Brzeziński
Tomasz Krzemieniecki
Tomasz Krzemieniecki
Editing Editor
Bartosz Kędzierski
Bartosz Kędzierski
Art Production Design
Malgorzata Mizielinska
Malgorzata Mizielinska
Art Direction
Marcin Bujski
Marcin Bujski
Set Decoration
Marcin Bujski
Marcin Bujski
Malgorzata Mizielinska
Malgorzata Mizielinska
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Katarzyna Bartel
Katarzyna Bartel
Anna Englert
Anna Englert
Costume Designer
Ewa Kania
Ewa Kania
Sound Sound Effects Editor
Jaroslaw Czernichowski
Jaroslaw Czernichowski
Bartosz Lichtarowicz
Bartosz Lichtarowicz
Pawel Fidala
Pawel Fidala
Tomasz Jedrzejczak
Tomasz Jedrzejczak
Piotr Sadowski
Piotr Sadowski
Wiktor Siejka
Wiktor Siejka
Dariusz Tretowicz
Dariusz Tretowicz
Boom Operator
Bartosz Lichtarowicz
Bartosz Lichtarowicz
Mateusz Styrczula
Mateusz Styrczula
Foley Artist
Jan Piszczalowski
Jan Piszczalowski
Kazimierz Siczek
Kazimierz Siczek
Department Role Name

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