
TMDB Rating 6


Revenue: $0

Budget: $10,000

Profit: - $-10,000

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jul 31, 2020

Rating: 2020-07-31

Run Time: 1h 23m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: Stub A Toe Productions



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An offbeat examination of Internet crime, shady partnerships and well-deserved revenge, Chasing Eagle Rock asks the question: if they steal your identity, do you still know who you are?

Main Cast

Michael Welch

Michael Welch


Age : 37 | Popularity : 91%

Erick Avari

Erick Avari

Cam Avery

Age : N/A | Popularity : 56%

Mary-Margaret Humes

Mary-Margaret Humes

Mags Avery

Age : 70 | Popularity : 45%

Robert Cicchini

Robert Cicchini

Joe Paul

Age : N/A | Popularity : 13%

Beth Behrs

Beth Behrs


Age : 38 | Popularity : 64%

Lauren Tom

Lauren Tom


Age : N/A | Popularity : 91%

Edgar Morais

Edgar Morais


Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Rafael Morais

Rafael Morais


Age : 35 | Popularity : 15%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Erick Avari
Erick Avari
Sound Music
Andrew Gold
Andrew Gold
Dan Ferguson
Dan Ferguson
Sound Recordist
Jordan Fallon
Jordan Fallon
Sound Mixer
Zsolt Magyar
Zsolt Magyar
Sound Editor
Winston Moore
Winston Moore
Production Producer
Erick Avari
Erick Avari
Associate Producer
Shelley Patel
Shelley Patel
Art Production Design
Lane Cheek
Lane Cheek
Writing Writer
Erick Avari
Erick Avari
Department Role Name

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