Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Feb 15, 2017
Rating: 2017-02-15
Run Time: 1h 50m
Original Language: langcode.id
Website: -
Production Countries: Indonesia
Production Companies: MNC Pictures , Vito Global Visi
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In this biopic, Christian Rahadi – aka Chrisye – overcomes early failures, family strife and anxiety to become one of Indonesia's legendary musicians.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Rizal Mantovani
First Assistant Director |
Rohman Wahyu Setiaji
Second Assistant Director |
Script Supervisor |
Writing | Writer |
Alim Sudio
Story |
Damayanti Noor
Camera | Director of Photography |
Yadi Sugandi
Clapper Loader |
Muhamad Hafiz
Assistant Camera |
Maliki Zulkarnain
Digital Imaging Technician |
Sound | Music Director |
Bemby Gusti
Aghi Narottama
Sound Designer |
Khikmawan Santosa
Sound Recordist |
Indrasetno Vyantrata
Boom Operator |
Santo Widodo
Iron Sugala
Utility Sound |
Dony Hanief Handoyo
Dialogue Editor |
Khikmawan Santosa
Sound Effects Editor |
Jonet Sri Untoro
Michelle Widarta
ADR Mixer |
Andi Khadifa
Foley Mixer |
Gunawan Raksa Galuh
Foley Artist |
Joko Prawoto
Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Music Producer |
Tony Merle
Sound Engineer |
Frans Fernando
Solideo Kevin
Dzulki Sunarya
Production | Associate Producer |
Lukman Sardi
Executive Producer |
Affandi Abdul Rachman
Toha Essa
Producer |
Rissa Putri
Setyoro S.
Pasha Chrismansyah
Rinny Noor
Unit Production Manager |
Angga Fachrurrozi
Wanray S. Hermawan
Production Manager |
Thresya Widyastuti
Production Assistant |
Anne Putri
Evan Secunda
Casting Director |
Bakti Adhitama
Fety Chodliah
Elhan Shaleh
Casting Coordinator |
Faisal Vicy
Fauzan Tohiri
Indah Sabrina
Ajeng Rahayu
Post Producer |
Muhammad Ruslan
Post Coordinator |
Wasono Suryo Hadi Saputro
Post Production Coordinator |
Keree Teh
Publicist |
Wilman Nata Kusuma
Frizkilla Shiti Wardhani
Art | Art Direction |
Editing | Editor |
Sentot Sahid
Reynaldi Christanto
Syarif Hidayat
Assistant Editor |
Caecilia Sherina
Colorist |
P' Nu
Color Assistant |
Joe Nico Ebora
Lighting | Gaffer |
Willy Bayu Aji
Costume & Make-Up | Wardrobe Designer |
Gemailla Gea Geriantiana
Wardrobe Assistant |
Anindiya Reininta
Lisa Fransisca
Makeup Artist |
Aktris Handradjasa
Dian Anggraini P.
Assistant Makeup Artist |
Astrid Sambudiono
Cheryl Avia Pattinasarany
Tiffany Mutia K.
Daus Inyong
Nur Jagakarsa
Visual Effects | CGI Director |
Andhy Pulung
3D Artist |
Akhmad Said Lamumba
Compositing Artist |
Adi Siswanto
Matte Painter |
Afifa Khoyrunnisa
Rotoscoping Artist |
Alex Sadewo
Syahida Rachmadi
Department | Role | Name |