Where to watch Cinta Si Penggali Kubur
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Dol (Nasir Bilal Khan), a straightforward person working as a grave digger. Because he lacked a bit of intelligence, he was deceived by Salina (Sheila Rushly) to marry her already two-year-old to cover up the shame. Salina, who ran away from her house for not wanting to marry her father's choice, stayed at her former mother's home, Kiah (Juhara Ayob). Kiah, who had been heartbroken with Dol, could not do anything after Dol was captured with Salina even though he knew the innocent dol
Main Cast
Nasir Bilal Khan
Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%
Sheila Rusly
Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%
Juhara Ayob
Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%