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Movie Details

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Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Nov 27, 2008

Rating: 2008-11-27

Run Time: 1h 33m

Original Language: English

Website: -

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In what way can reflecting on worlds very far from our own, either in space or time, bear relevance for us today? Is there a scientific legacy - a before and after Lévi-Strauss - in anthropology? This documentary retraces the intellectual path of the author of "Tristes tropiques" ("A World on the Wane") and "La Pensée sauvage" ("The Savage Mind"), Claude Lévi-Strauss. The anthropologist and founder of structural anthropology in France is portrayed via numerous selected extracts of interviews he has given since the 1960s. The film is a fascinating introduction into the mind of a man who is interested in all men. Lévi-Strauss has great confidence (in spite of a pessimistic view of our contemporary world) in the creative capacities of the human mind.

Main Cast

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Pierre-André Boutang
Pierre-André Boutang
Department Role Name

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