

Revenue: $0

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Movie Details

Tag Line: In a situation where surveillance close-ups isolate a vulnerable individual from his surroundings, Jia asks us to re-evaluate that space, to give that situation a new meaning. To think about what film is. Perhaps we might then be able to rediscover others.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Jun 5, 2021

Rating: 2021-06-05

Run Time: 12h 03m

Original Language: Chinese

Website: -

Production Countries: China

Production Companies:



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In Close-Up, Jia explores the counterpart to the wide shot. Four elevated surveillance cameras scan a busy traffic intersection, capturing the steady stream of cars, bikes and pedestrians that cross it. Amid all that bustle and movement, a fifth camera with a long telephoto lens picks out one individual. A man with a bandaged hand. A wide shot changes into a close-up. Visitors have the freedom to choose their own context and focus. They can even tell the story of this man. HD video installation on 5 screens, colour, silent

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Department Role Name
Directing Director
Jia Zhangke
Jia Zhangke
Department Role Name

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