Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Dec 25, 2017
Rating: 2017-12-25
Run Time: 12h 20m
Original Language: English
Website: Link
Production Countries: Belgium
Production Companies:
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Matt, a 18-year-old (senior) boy, is in a relationship with a girl in his class, but realizes that something is not right. After a while he realizes that he finds his swimming partner Lander more interesting than his girlfriend Lize. These feelings make Matt feel different. He no longer knows how to stay with himself, especially when his father teases him more and more about the fact that he still hasn't slept with Lize. In the end, Matt chooses to take steps for his own happiness.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Assistant Director |
Veerle Baumers
Director |
Hanne Frederix
Production | Producer |
Hanne Frederix
Location Manager |
Kady De Schrijver
Annemie Janssens
Casting |
Davy Vermeulen
Crew | Catering |
Caroline Vandecruys
Marleen Cardinaels
Script |
Shana Kroes
Cinematography |
Johan Stoefs
Sound | Music |
Dries Versmissen
Sound |
Niels Van Rumst
Sound Assistant |
Jonas Landuyt
Sam Mathieu
Visual Effects | Visual Effects |
Laurence Fasseur
Jorge Peetermans
Writing | Writer |
Hanne Frederix
Veerle Baumers
Camera | Camera Production Assistant |
Pieter-jan Neirynck
Lighting | Electrician |
Arno Vanhees
Art | Runner Art Department |
Stefaan Frederix
Art Direction |
Sam Rutten
Editing | Editor |
Max De Prins
Department | Role | Name |