Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 8
Release Date: Mar 29, 2013
Rating: 2013-03-23
Run Time: 1h 18m
Original Language: French
Website: Link
Production Countries: Canada , United Arab Emirates , United States of America
Production Companies: Aetios Productions
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A feature-length documentary portrait of Québécoise painter Johanne Corno, who has lived and worked in New York City for more than 20 years. Ignored by the art intelligentsia in Québec, she settled abroad to escape that creative constraint, and built an enviable international career. Today, she casts a lucid eye on her work and describes the resources she draws on to survive in the jungle of the contemporary art world.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Guy Édoin
Writing | Writer |
Fabienne Larouche
Guy Édoin
Michel Trudeau
Dominique Champagne
Martin Bisaillon
Crew | Mixing Engineer |
François Arbour
Assistant Craft Service |
Louis-Antoine Lassonde
Legal Services |
Sébastien Pigeon
Sound | Music |
Michel Cusson
Assistant Foley Artist |
Laurent Ouellette
Sound |
Daniel Ferland
Claude Beaugrand
Luc Boudrias
Additional Sound Re-Recordist |
Dominique Chartrand
Sound Supervisor |
Karole Lemieux
Sound Designer |
Claude Beaugrand
Sound Effects |
Laurent Ouellette
Sound Effects Designer |
Lise Wedlock
Sound Effects Editor |
Daniel Bisson
Dialogue Editor |
Francine Poirier
Editing | Colorist |
Patrice Fortin
Editor |
Dominique Champagne
Editorial Services |
François Corbeil
Editorial Production Assistant |
Marilyn de Billy
François Artacho
Cindy Langelier
Joanie Drouin-Laplante
Stéphane Guévin
François Beaupré-Goulet
Production | Researcher |
Martin Bisaillon
Producer |
Fabienne Larouche
Michel Trudeau
Production Director |
Martin Bisaillon
Anouk Brault
Production Coordinator |
Élyse Lavallée
Yannick Gamache
Publicist |
Judith Dubeau
Executive Producer |
Sébastien Pigeon
Fabienne Larouche
Sylvie Lacoste
Michel Trudeau
Production Assistant |
Tania Gauthier
Finance |
Sylvie Lacoste
Controller |
Nathalie Potvin
Camera | Additional Camera |
Martin Bouffard
Director of Photography |
Serge Desrosiers
Visual Effects | Photo Retouching |
Bianca Boujemaa
Audrey Martineau
Department | Role | Name |