Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: The terror storm was only the beginning... but the SHARKS would be the merciless end
Status: Released
Average Rating: 5
Release Date: Jul 21, 1978
Rating: 1979-07-07
Run Time: 1h 58m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: Italy , Mexico , United States of America
Production Companies: Productora Fílmica Real , Conacine
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An airplane goes down in the ocean during a storm and a few survivors find refuge on a small tour boat. Swept out to sea, these people slowly starve to death in the hot sun with barely any food or clean water. With no place to turn, the boat survivors resort to cannibalism to stay alive...that is ..until the rescue planes come to pick them up and the man eating sharks decide its time to eat as well.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
René Cardona Jr.
Assistant Director |
Américo Fernández
Camera | Camera Operator |
Ramón Bravo
Teodoro García
Assistant Camera |
Alfonso Bárcenas
Oliverio Maciel
Director of Photography |
León Sánchez
Costume & Make-Up | Wardrobe Master |
Enrique Villavicencio
Makeup Artist |
Elvira Oropeza
Hairstylist |
Guadalupe Gorráez
Production | Assistant Unit Manager |
José "Pepe" Ojeda
Production Coordinator |
Enrique L. Morfín
Assistant Production Coordinator |
Joaquín Garrido
Producer |
Angelo Iacono
Production Manager |
Roberto Lozoya
Crew | Special Effects |
Federico Farfán
Miguel Vázquez
Editing | Assistant Editor |
Jesús Paredes
Editor |
Alfredo Rosas Priego
Sound | Sound |
Luis Pérez Villegas
Music |
Riz Ortolani
Lighting | Lighting Technician |
Donaciano De Anda
Writing | Story Editor |
Antonio Mendoza
Writer |
Carlos Valdemar
René Cardona Jr.
Department | Role | Name |