Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: Dec 8, 2003
Rating: 2003-12-08
Run Time: 12h 28m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United Kingdom
Production Companies: BBC
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Where to watch Dan Cruickshank & The House That Wouldn't Die
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This unique recreation of an 18th-century home, in London's Spitalfields, has to be seen to be believed. Dan Cruickshank smells the rotting food and warms his hands by the roaring fires and asks whether this living museum is really more accurate than a National Trust treasure, or just an eccentric one-off from its outlandish Californian creator, the late Dennis Severs. A follow-up of sorts to the 1985 BBC series Ours to Keep episode "Incomers" focused on this residence.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer |
Julian Birkett
Executive Producer |
Basil Comely
Researcher |
Charlotte Gardner
Production Manager |
Sue Davies
Directing | Director |
Jonty Claypole
Editing | Editor |
Dominic Staveacre
Department | Role | Name |