

Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 0

Release Date: Dec 1, 2018

Rating: 2018-12-01

Run Time: 12h 59m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries:

Production Companies: Matchlight




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Since her retirement from professional ballet, Dame Darcey Bussell has become a formidable advocate for promoting dance at all stages of life, and to help not just the body, but just as importantly the mind. She has piloted dance classes for schoolchildren across the country and spoken in Parliament calling for dance to be a key part of the curriculum to help children's fitness. She is aware that tackling our mental health crisis is an important challenge that affects many in the UK today and strongly believes that the value of dancing is undervalued in improving our mental health. So in this programme, Darcey's mission is to meet a wide range of people using dance as therapy and as a result experiencing the joy of 'dancing to happiness'.

Main Cast

Darcey Bussell

Darcey Bussell


Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Pamela Gordon
Pamela Gordon
Editing Editor
Ian Garvin
Ian Garvin
Production Executive Producer
Ross Wilson
Ross Wilson
Jonathan Skuse
Jonathan Skuse
Department Role Name

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