
TMDB Rating 4
IMDB Rating 6.4


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: May 30, 1951

Rating: 1951-05-30

Run Time: 1h 22m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United States of America

Production Companies: Paramount




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Mirian Wilkins, the teenage daughter of Senator Wilkins, starts a Society for the Rehabilitation of Criminals and, without the approval or knowledge of her father, elects him to the position of honorary president. When the family's new gardener, Baxter, turns out to be a notorious ex-convict who was sentenced to prison by Senator Wilkins when he was a judge, Wilkins considers firing him until his daughter points out that would be an unwise decision considering the position her father held on society.

Main Cast

Mona Freeman

Mona Freeman

Miriam Wilkins

Age : 87 | Popularity : 60%

Billy De Wolfe

Billy De Wolfe


Age : 67 | Popularity : 15%

Edward Arnold

Edward Arnold

Senator Wilkins

Age : N/A | Popularity : 15%

Lyle Bettger

Lyle Bettger


Age : 88 | Popularity : 29%

Mary Philips

Mary Philips

Edie Wilkins

Age : 74 | Popularity : 20%

Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood

Pauline Baxter

Age : N/A | Popularity : 56%

William Reynolds

William Reynolds

Robbie Clark (as William Regnolds)

Age : 93 | Popularity : 32%

Frank Cady

Frank Cady

Parole Officer Creavy

Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
William A. Seiter
William A. Seiter
Writing Screenplay
Devery Freeman
Devery Freeman
Editing Editor
Alma Macrorie
Alma Macrorie
Art Set Decoration
Ray Moyer
Ray Moyer
Sam Comer
Sam Comer
Art Direction
Henry Bumstead
Henry Bumstead
Hal Pereira
Hal Pereira
Production Producer
Mel Epstein
Mel Epstein
Sound Original Music Composer
Van Cleave
Van Cleave
Camera Director of Photography
John F. Seitz
John F. Seitz
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Edith Head
Edith Head
Department Role Name

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