
TMDB Rating 7.9


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 8

Release Date: Jan 1, 1991

Rating: 1991-01-01

Run Time: 1h 18m

Original Language: Serbo-Croatian

Website: -

Production Countries: Yugoslavia

Production Companies: RTS




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Dear Video is a black epistolary comedy which stars some of the finest actors from the former Yugoslavia. The film is constructed around the video 'correspondence' between two branches of a family, one living in Germany and pursuing 'modern' life and the other one living in a little village in Yugoslavia clinging to tradition. Through the home video 'letters' sent back and forth, petty jealousies, love liaisons and financial squabbles drive the family to the brink of war, a situation that reflects the collapsing state of affairs in what was then Yugoslavia.

Main Cast

Danilo 'Bata' Stojković

Danilo 'Bata' Stojković


Age : N/A | Popularity : 21%

Aleksandar Berček

Aleksandar Berček


Age : N/A | Popularity : 45%

Mira Furlan

Mira Furlan


Age : N/A | Popularity : 55%

Zoran Vrbaški

Zoran Vrbaški


Age : N/A | Popularity : 0%

Radmila Savićević

Radmila Savićević

Baba Milica

Age : 75 | Popularity : 12%

Žarko Mitrović

Žarko Mitrović

Deda Jovan

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Olivera Marković

Olivera Marković


Age : 86 | Popularity : 21%

Karin Neuhäuser

Karin Neuhäuser


Age : N/A | Popularity : 22%


Department Role Name
Art Production Design
Nemanja Petrović
Nemanja Petrović
Production Producer
Dragan Ivanović
Dragan Ivanović
Zoran Milatović
Zoran Milatović
Sound Music
Zoran Erkman
Zoran Erkman
Editing Editor
Jovan Banović
Jovan Banović
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Heidi Baletić
Heidi Baletić
Writing Writer
Branko Vukojević
Branko Vukojević
Directing Director
Goran Gajić
Goran Gajić
Camera Director of Photography
Radan Popović
Radan Popović
Department Role Name

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