Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: Observations by Wolfgang Ettlich
Status: Released
Average Rating: 0
Release Date: May 29, 2004
Rating: 2004-05-29
Run Time: 1h 27m
Original Language: German
Website: -
Production Countries: Germany
Production Companies: BR , MGS Film
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Watch Der Fussballtempel - Eine Arena Für München
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It does not happen every day that a gigantic stadium is built on a greenfield: In October of 2001, the citizens of Munich have voted with a clear yes for a new soccer stadium in the north of the city. 66000 soccer fans of FC Bayern and 1860 Munich will find a new common home in the futuristic looking structure. But before that stand four years of work on a construction site of superlatives. The director Wolfgang Ettlich and his cameraman Hans-Albrecht Lusznat have followed the construction of the new Munich soccer arena since the first groundbreaking. They have recorded several phases of the construction and did thereby get to know the microcosmos of a large construction site from the inside: The logistics, with which hundreds of construction workers have to be coordinated, and the steady growth of the stadium all the way to the perfectly conceptualized illuminated structure, with VIP-boxes, mass restaurants, and Europe’s largest parking garage.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Wolfgang Ettlich
Camera | Camera Operator |
Hans Albrecht Lusznat
Michael Wulfes
Assistant Camera |
Anna Crotti
Mustafa Kücükballi
Other |
Judith Karl
Sound | Sound |
Silvio Reichenbach
Zoltan Ravasz
Sound Editor |
Nani Dursun
Music |
Dieter Schleip
Marco Hertenstein
Editing | Editor |
Silvia Nawrot
Production | Producer |
Wolfgang Ettlich
Crew | Mixing Engineer |
Anton Vetter
Other |
Heidi Iselle
Eva Schatz
Sophie Meinecke
Linda Wolff
Editorial Staff |
Brigitte Schroedter
Thanks |
Maria Ehrenschwender
Hans Ehrenschwender
Dipl.-Ing. Horst Maus
Peter Rozumnyi
Ela Knebelsberger
Michael Nell
Hans-Jörg Haindl
"Basti" Giesel
Gunnar Gröbel
Writing | Writer |
Michael Wulfes
Screenplay |
Wolfgang Ettlich
Department | Role | Name |