
TMDB Rating 2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 2

Release Date: Feb 10, 1999

Rating: 1999-02-10

Run Time: 1h 34m

Original Language: German

Website: -

Production Countries: Germany

Production Companies: RTL , Studio Hamburg Filmproduktion , Letterbox Filmproduktion




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Romeo and Juliet on the Kiez with Cupid in the form of the attractive sex worker Elisa: the young artist Nikolaus falls in love with the well-behaved law student Sandy. He ends up in prison for an extraordinary declaration of love.

Main Cast

Barbara Auer

Barbara Auer


Age : N/A | Popularity : 54%

Sandra Speichert

Sandra Speichert

Sandy Röder

Age : 54 | Popularity : 20%

Niels-Bruno Schmidt

Niels-Bruno Schmidt


Age : N/A | Popularity : 37%

Huub Stapel

Huub Stapel

Age : N/A | Popularity : 45%

Monica Bleibtreu

Monica Bleibtreu


Age : 65 | Popularity : 34%

Charlotte Schwab

Charlotte Schwab

Age : N/A | Popularity : 81%

András Fricsay

András Fricsay

Age : 82 | Popularity : 7%

Gunda Ebert

Gunda Ebert


Age : N/A | Popularity : 4%


Department Role Name
Visual Effects I/O Manager
Christoph Korndörfer
Christoph Korndörfer
Sound Original Music Composer
Dieter Schleip
Dieter Schleip
Andreas Kaufmann
Andreas Kaufmann
Andreas Ruft
Andreas Ruft
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Matthias Plischke
Matthias Plischke
Boom Operator
Jens Müller
Jens Müller
Directing Director
Martin Enlen
Martin Enlen
Katrin Thiemer
Katrin Thiemer
Production Producer
Sabine Timmermann
Sabine Timmermann
Monika Lackus
Monika Lackus
Gitta Uhlig
Gitta Uhlig
Production Manager
Fritz Fuhlert
Fritz Fuhlert
Unit Manager
Frank B. Bosselmann
Frank B. Bosselmann
Location Manager
Mathias Struve
Mathias Struve
Tarik Erpinar
Tarik Erpinar
Production Assistant
Antje Yoki
Antje Yoki
Writing Screenplay
Beate Langmaack
Beate Langmaack
Camera Director of Photography
Klaus Merkel
Klaus Merkel
Second Unit Director of Photography
André Ritonnale
André Ritonnale
Still Photographer
Manju Sawhney
Manju Sawhney
Key Grip
Arne Schwiers
Arne Schwiers
Editing Editor
Monika Abspacher
Monika Abspacher
Art Production Design
Su Pröbster
Su Pröbster
Property Master
Kurt Herzog
Kurt Herzog
Standby Property Master
Otto Kieckbusch
Otto Kieckbusch
Standby Carpenter
Henning Dürr
Henning Dürr
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Maria Dimler
Maria Dimler
Costume Designer
Maria Dimler
Maria Dimler
Conny Frei
Conny Frei
Anja Rose
Anja Rose
Assistant Costume Designer
Annette Stuhr
Annette Stuhr
Makeup Artist
Edda Fuhrmann
Edda Fuhrmann
Sonia Salazar-Delgado
Sonia Salazar-Delgado
Crew Production Controller
Marina Haake
Marina Haake
Special Effects Technician
Harry Bollhöfener
Harry Bollhöfener
Gerald Gustav
Gerald Gustav
Stunt Coordinator
Ronnie Paul
Ronnie Paul
Stunt Double
Ronnie Paul
Ronnie Paul
Sönke Korries
Sönke Korries
Gerfried Reinitzhuber
Gerfried Reinitzhuber
Lighting Lighting Technician
Stefan Laws
Stefan Laws
Department Role Name

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