Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 8
Release Date: Dec 6, 1987
Rating: 1987-12-06
Run Time: 12h 29m
Original Language: German
Website: -
Production Countries: East Germany
Production Companies: Fernsehen der DDR
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Anne is a sixth grade student. Every school day, with beating hearts, she waits for her to meet Tom in the stairwell to go to school with him, and perhaps there are signs that Tom may return Anne's feelings. The boy is for her something like the first love, which always changes something every day. But more and more Anne has to realize that Tom is interested in another girl, whereby the disappointment with her is great. But when Jens Anne's new companion on the way to school, Anne can overcome her first heartache.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Karola Hattop
Writing | Writer |
Anne Goßens
Department | Role | Name |